Building Rules Certification & combined BCA/DDA Consultancy, Adelaide SA

Access Consultancy

Avoid the risk of a potential complaint being made to the Australian Human Rights Commission for a discrimination or breach of human rights in the built environment. Talk to us about our access consultancy services.

Trento Fuller can provide access reviews for building owners, lessees, builders, developers and architects to assess existing buildings or new building design compliance with the requirements of the Commonwealth Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (DDA) Section 23 and Access to Premises Code; now incorporated in the Building Code of Australia.

The review involves an assessment of a building in terms of the level of compliance to the minimum Access to Premises Code standards including the suite of disability standards associated with fitments and furniture not currently covered in the BCA. A risk assessment is then undertaken identifying areas of non-compliance, where upgrades or design changes may be required, and specifically what risk there may be in not providing the minimum, or a reasonable level, of compliance.

We can also assist to develop grounds for exemptions or alternative design solutions in certain cases where access is contentious as well as preparing supporting documentation to the Australian Human Right Commission or South Australian Building Rules Assessment Commission (BRAC) for applications of Unjustifiable Hardship.